INB Offers Health Savings Accounts


Did you know INB offers payroll-deducted Health Savings Accounts (HSA)?  While you may have an HSA account with another financial institution, you can choose where you’d like your HSA to reside; you do not need to use the bank selected by your employer.

With an INB HSA checking account you:

  • Earn interest on your checking account. (Rates are tiered, based on balances.)
  • Get a free VISA debit card with no INB transactions fees
  • Won’t incur maintenance fees
  • Have easy access to your account via INB digital banking
  • Have FDIC insured accounts that do not lose value
  • Get easy set-up and experienced support when you need it

Additionally, we can:

  • Link your HSA to your already-established checking and/or savings accounts at INB. This typically simplifies making contributions and receiving distributions.
  • Save you time and resources by consolidating your accounts with INB.
  • Show you other options on how to manage your HSA savings by working with our Wealth team.

If you would like more information regarding INB’s HSA account options, contact Cayla Keyes at 217-747-8551.